
Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekly Health Check-In

I'm getting to the point of habit in my eating and exercising. It is a strange place to be! I have done lots of things in the past to try and lose weight but this has been so different. The focus is not on food - how much, what kind, when, etc. - the focus is on filling myself with God and His word. And although I am not being perfect of course, there is definitely a pattern of habitual victory. 

This week's weight loss was only 0.3 lbs, but strangely I am not that upset. I think it is because I know I am being obedient to what Christ wants me to do and that weight loss will be a natural product of that. How much I lose each week can be altered by so many different factors and one low week is not going to throw me off. 

My verse for this week is Psalm 25:15: "My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare." How fitting! This verse clearly states how I feel about my sin of overeating. Food can be a trap for me and the Lord is the ONLY hope I have of overcoming it. If I try to do it any other way, using a substitute for Him, I will not have lasting victory. Keeping my focus in this is sometimes a struggle, especially when I have been doing well. I start to get lazy and distracted and forget that it isn't just a turning away from food, but a turning to the Lord. This verse was specifically chosen to keep my focus on the right thing. 

With Thanksgiving coming up it is very easy to get distracted by food. Although there is definitely some prep that has to go into a meal with 16 people attending, it has been much easier for me to look forward to simply being together more than what we are going to eat. It hasn't been a conscious decision, my mind is just not as interested as it used to be on food. I am grateful for many things this year, but one of the things that sticks out is that God is working with me and changing this area of my life. I am thankful that His grace is so abundant! Hoping that you and yours have a wonderful holiday week, staying focused on praising our Lord for all of His rich blessings. 

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