
Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekly Health Check-In

Besides the fact that I spent my weekend here:

I still managed to do pretty well maintaining restraint while eating this week. I definitely ate more than I needed, but I didn't binge or stuff myself while hanging out with some of my favorite girls for a few days at the beach. The time away was much needed and I feel re-charged! 

One of the things I have been implementing in my eating changes is trying to stick to gluten free foods. This is not in order to help me lose more weight, but an effort to make a difference in my pain level with my back. I am about 10 days into it and don't see much change yet, but I'm hopeful. I might experiment with cutting out sugar as well, since both gluten and sugar are foods that cause inflammation (which is the cause of most of the pain in my back). 

To be clear, this is not because I feel God telling me I need to give up these foods, and it is not because I think it will help me lose more weight or lose it faster. This is strictly experimental to see if changing my diet can change my daily pain levels. I am simply trying to find an alternate way to help without going on medication or having ongoing treatments. My chiro has indicated that she believes I have fibromyalgia (and she does not diagnose things lightly), and since I have thought the same thing for a while, I decided to play around with the foods I eat to see if it made a difference. Time will tell. :) 

I have still  been enjoying and learning from The Lord's Table study through SCF and been corresponding with all of my accountability peeps daily. Walking has been consistent except for the very worst pain days. 

I feel that I am settling into a steady pattern - dare I say, habitual victory rather than habitual sin? I realize that my eating will never be perfect, but the goal is to mostly do well rather than mostly eat poorly. Even over the weekend, a trip when I normally would have been consumed with what and when I could eat, I was able to keep things in check better than ever before. Still not perfect, but better. It is encouraging to me because I feel that this is a true change, not a fleeting goal. 

My verses to memorize this week are 1 Corinthians 15:57-58: "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."

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