
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I know I'm a little behind with this post, but better late than never! I had a very sweet, laid back mother's day this year. We got up and went to church and I got to play the offertory with my flute ensemble. After church, we headed over to Grammy's for lunch with G&G, Sarabeth and Kellan. We had yummy tacos! I was really sad not to be able to see my own mom this year, but we were able to talk on the phone and I get to see her in a few weeks!

 We were able to snap a few family pics too:

My sweet Edie Rose:

 My laughing boy:

 And my Shmoopy!

I'm not very eloquent, but I would be remiss not to try and put words to the way being a mother has impacted me. We tried for two years before we got pregnant with Eden. She is so special! She was surrounded in prayer and love before she was ever even conceived. After her arrival and 6 months of sheer baby bliss, we decided to go ahead and try for another, in case it took us a while again. Turns out that the second time was faster! Harrison was born 16 months after Eden, and my cup just ran over with blessings. 

These babies are so precious to me - having them has brought a joy that I didn't even know about. I get to stay home with them every day and watch them grow and learn. What a privilege! I thank God for allowing me to be Eden and Harry's mommy, and I am so grateful to Jason for working hard so I can stay home with them. There are certainly days that are hard and filled with frustration, but that just gives me more reason to lean on God and His strength. Having children has allowed me to know God on a deeper level, to understand His love for me better. And for that, I am thankful to be a mommy. 

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