I wanted to do an update for my weight loss. Basically, I haven't lost anything. Kinda went off track for a (long) while, but now things are back in motion. Here is my plan of attack:
Sticking with weight watchers for the diet side. At least for now. It is still the easiest way for me to conveniently stick to something, because I can still eat what I normally would. My brother is trying to lose some weight too, so we are keeping each other accountable and helping each other out a bit. It helps we are both putting some moolah in a pot and having a little competition between now and Christmas too. :) So I am counting my points and focusing on eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies, drinking lots of water, and exercising.
Which leads to the next part: fitness. I am super excited about a new goal I have set! It sounds crazy and lofty, but I am entering a mini triathlon. I realize that my fitness level is very low, but that is the great thing about this particular race - it is "mini." Although there are still three events, they are all condensed from a regular triathlon race. The layout is a 250 yard swim, 9 mile bike ride, and 2 mile walk/run. The first time I did the swimming I finished in 10 minutes which I thought was really good til I googled how long it should take an average person and it said 30-60 seconds, haha. Haven't started bike training yet, and the 2 mile walk/run (which I will definitely be walking) is old hat.
I know doing all 3 things back to back will be a challenge, but the individual events are not intimidating on their own. I think the time I spend training will easily prepare me to finish without pushing my back and knees too far. And my goal is simply that - to finish. I am not concerned with how long it takes me, just finishing. I am the world's slowest swimmer (so it would seem), don't even have my own bike (am borrowing one from a friend), and walk like a granny. But I don't care! I am not going to worry about all of the major athletic people who will be there probably wondering why someone like me is doing it, I am simply going to focus on meeting a fitness goal I think is reachable with consistent preparation.
The name of the race is Ramblin' Rose and is held in Charlotte. I am planning to go down the night before with a friend and after the race reward myself with some IKEA shopping. :)
I am so excited to be doing a real race like this, I have only ever done a 5k. Jason has been really supportive too. My back has given me a bit of a slow start, but my chiropractor has given me the go ahead to start slow.
Please feel free to ask about how I am doing with these goals! One of the reasons I am blogging about it is so people will ask and keep me accountable. I appreciate each of you being supportive! :)