Time for another check in! Things have been good this week. I exercised regularly, memorized my verse, and did fairly well on my eating. God is really changing my perspective on food and I'm so grateful to be gaining some victory. One of the major realizations I made this week is that Christ already defeated my sin on the cross - so the struggle I have with overeating is my own making. The victory is already there, I simply have to tap into it.
The other simple truth that has changed my eating habits is that I concentrate on food too much. Even if it is to determine what God would have me eat, or how much or when, I am still focusing on FOOD. When I give it no thought, or immediately shift my focus when I do, this whole process becomes a lot easier. It becomes unimportant in my everyday life - secondary to everything else, including my time with God, my husband, the kids, things that need to be done in the house, etc. Sometimes not thinking about food does cause me to suddenly be very hungry, but instead of flipping out and eating everything in sight I make myself prepare something very calmly and eat slowly, so I don't overeat in my hunger. I didn't consciously know it before, but being hungry used to really worry me. Why? I am not really sure. It isn't like I don't have food at my disposal at almost all times and I certainly am not going to wither away. Either way, I am trying to change that feeling of panic to a realization that hunger is a good thing - it means I haven't been focusing on food.
The verse for this week is Philippians 3:18-19: "For as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things."
I lost 1.2 pounds this last week and I praise God for the victory!
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