
Monday, February 27, 2012

Diet Update

After finishing paleo, I knew I would go back to weight watchers. As I have been getting back into the routine of counting points, I have also been contemplating what adjustments to make to the kind of food I am eating. While on paleo, I had a significant reduction in my pain level (joints, muscle, etc.) and I want to find out what it is that I eat that impacts that. I have decided that my first trial will be with gluten. Weight watchers will still be my weight loss factor, but I will adjust the foods I decide to eat based on the way they impact how my body feels. Gluten free is my first experiment.

The way I am approaching this is to eat foods I know are paleo-approved, and when I want to add something else in, I make sure it does not have gluten. For example, I wanted popcorn the other night but it is not paleo-approved - so I checked the ingredient list to make sure there was no gluten and once confirmed I went ahead and ate some. All of this is still within the limits of my daily points allowance to make sure I am still losing weight while experimenting. Although paleo was a good cleanse, it was hard for me to monitor how much food I should be eating (regardless of how healthy it all was for me, I could still potentially over eat).

I am also trying to apply other basic rules, like only eating when I am hungry, drinking mostly water, eating more produce, being careful about sugar intake, etc. I am still not super excited about the idea of giving up diet soda, but I have a feeling it will be one of my experiments. I know it is not a healthy drink but there is something to be said for having a little bit of unhealthy stuff just for the feel good aspect it brings, haha. With that said, I would have to be much more limited with it than I currently am in order to qualify under "a little bit."

So there you have it - my update for what I am currently doing. I have lost 5 pounds since starting weight watchers two weeks ago and my main goal is to stick within my daily points. The side experiments are just that - on the side. I am hoping to accomplish my weight loss goals as well as discover what foods negatively impact my body, specifically in the area of pain management.


  1. Koodos to you girl on losing 5 lbs already! I hope it goes well and are able to find what works for your body! I really enjoy reading your posts and seeing the pics of the kids and house and all! Keep up the awesome work- you amaze me at how much you do all the time lol love you!

    1. Thanks! :) Jason updated me on all the happenings there in LA - still praying for you and all that you are having to deal with. Love and miss you!

  2. Congrats on the 5 pounds lost! Does Weight Watchers allow you "cheat" days where you can eat what you want (within reason)?

    1. No cheat days, but you get an extra 49 points a week to help on "splurge" stuff. I get 26 a day, and can eat the extra 49 whenever I want to (but I don't have to eat them).
